15 participants of OSCE ministerial meeting in Sweden positive for coronavirus
Fifteen people from nine countries present at the meeting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers Council in Stockholm tested positive for COVID-19

Fifteen people from nine countries present at the meeting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers Council in Stockholm tested positive for COVID-19 after the event, the Swedish Foreign Ministry said in a statement, Qazet.az informs, citing Dagens Nyheter.
"We were closely watching this after the meeting," the Foreign Ministry said, "Soon after the event, we sent information to all participants and staff about the importance of being aware of the symptoms and testing for their presence. Ten days have passed since the event in Stockholm, and we have no grounds to suppose that we will get more information about infection linked to participation in the meeting."
The participants had the opportunity to pass the PCR testing during the event. The meeting was organized in line with the recommendations of the health department.
Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto tested positive for COVID-19. More than 50 foreign ministers attended the event in Stockholm held on December 2-3.