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17 million bridge in Russia caused laughter - Photo

News 14:26 02 Nov, 2022
17 million bridge in Russia caused laughter - Photo

A bridge costing 17 million rubles was inaugurated in the village of Kichmengsk, Vologda region of Russia. reports that Pavel Gorchakov, deputy of the provincial council, also participated in the opening ceremony and cut the opening ribbon of the bridge.

Gorchakov reported on this on his Vkontakte page and posted photos from the ceremony.

However, the photos shared by the deputy caused great discussions on social networks. Because the asphalt surface of the road in the area where the bridge is located is in a bad condition. The fact that the deputy took pictures with local residents against the background of the destroyed road has become an object of laughter.

Later, the head of the Vologda regional administration, Sergey Ordin, said that the road was not repaired because the asphalt plant stopped working due to severe weather conditions. The head of the administration promised that the road will be repaired in the spring.