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18 Chinese bombers flew over Taiwan

Headlines 17:34 13 Dec, 2022
18 Chinese bombers flew over Taiwan

18 Chinese bombers flew over Taiwan
At least 18 "H-6" bombers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army flew over the Taiwan Strait. report  with reference to "Interfax" that "Bloomberg" published information about this.

Taiwan's military announced that the movement of 29 Chinese military aircraft and 3 ships was recorded on Tuesday morning.

According to the agency, this is the first time since September 2020 that China has sent such a large number of bombers to Taiwan.

It should be recalled that the Taiwan issue arose in 1949. Thus, after the establishment of the People's Republic of China in the mainland of China in the same year, the leader of the Kuomintang Party, Chiang Kai-shek, fled to the island of Taiwan and laid the foundation of the Republic of China in Taiwan. Official Beijing insists on the "one China principle" and at the same time claims that it is impossible to recognize both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China in Taiwan. However, unofficial cultural and economic offices of Taipei operate in many major countries.