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Additional express route lines will be organized in Baku on holidays

News 17:54 30 Dec, 2022
Additional express route lines will be organized in Baku on holidays

Additional express route lines will be organized in Baku on holidays
Baku Transport Agency, under the authority of the head of the Baku City Executive Authority, decided to organize express routes from the Seaside National Park in 2 directions during the holidays. reports was informed about this by the Agency.

According to information, these are the directions of Denizkanarı National Park - "20 Janvar" metro station and Denizkanarı National Park - "Hazi Aslanov" metro station. The exit point of buses on the express route is in front of "Park Bulvar".

At the same time, according to the instructions of the Agency, buses on regular routes will serve until night hours due to holiday events.

The agency instructed the carriers to observe the interval of buses released on the routes according to the passenger flow on holidays, to observe safety rules, and to take necessary measures to ensure that drivers follow the relevant passenger transportation and traffic rules, including ensuring that buses take off from their production bases. .