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ANAMA: "We are trying to speed up the demining of liberated areas"

Politics 16:32 05 Oct, 2022
ANAMA: "We are trying to speed up the demining of liberated areas"

"This year, the Demining Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ANAMA) plans to clean 40,000 hectares of land contaminated with mines, of which 8,000 hectares are intended for the construction of residential areas." reports that ANAMA deputy chairman Samir Poladov said this at the Azerbaijan National City Forum held in Aghdam.

According to him, it is planned to increase the speed of demining to 65 thousand hectares in one year.

S. Poladov reported that there are currently 390,709 anti-tank and anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordnance, but this indicator is not entirely accurate: "Aghdam has become a "city of ghosts" associated with mines. It is known that the Armenian armed forces mined these areas again when they left here."

He added that as a result of international pressure, Armenia gave some information about the location of the mines: "However, they cannot be called a map." Only 25% of this information is accurate."

ANAMA's deputy chairman said that 148,000 hectares of de-occupied territories are considered particularly dangerous because there are the most mines and other explosives: "The most terrible result of mines is the loss of people's lives. In addition, landmines slow down the restoration process. To date, only 55,000 hectares have been cleared of mines.