ASK's company reduces its charter capital by 2 million manats

News 16:50 23 Dec, 2022
ASK's company reduces its charter capital by 2 million manats

ASK's company reduces its charter capital by 2 million manats
"ASK Tobacco" LLC belonging to "Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation" OJSC (ASK) announced that it reduced its authorized capital by 2 million manats or 32.5% from 6,148,675 manats to 4,148,675 manats. reports about this with reference to "Vergilar" newspaper of the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy.

According to the information, creditors can submit their demands within 1 month to the address of house 14, Izmir Street, Yasamal District, Baku.

It should be recalled that "ASK Tobacco" was established in 2021 with the reorganization of "Azertutun Agricultural Industrial Complex" belonging to ASK.