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Azerbaijan calls on all countries to comply with int'l humanitarian law

Headlines 15:49 26 Jan, 2022

“The role of humanitarian organizations is indispensable. It is vital that their involvement in conflicts and post-conflict situations be purely humanitarian, not used for political purposes” Representative to the UN Yashar Aliyev said 

Azerbaijan calls on all countries to comply with int'l humanitarian law

It is essential that the Security Council keep its primary focus on the protection of civilians and continually reaffirm its demand that all parties to armed conflict comply fully with their obligations under international humanitarian law, Azerbaijan's Permanent Representative to the UN Yashar Aliyev said at a meeting of the UN Security Council on "War in Cities: Protection of Civilians in Urban Settings," informs.

Aliyev stated that the concept note (S/2022/23) raises a number of issues: These issues should be guided during the discussions at this Security Council meeting on the ways to better use the tools at the disposal of the Council to prevent and respond to the challenges faced by civilians in urban warfare and to improve countries' compliance with international humanitarian law."

"The diplomat said that, above all, ensuring full compliance with the norms of international humanitarian law is a critical task in all armed conflicts. Offenses left unpunished often act as a catalyst for the resurgence of conflicts and the commission of new crimes," the diplomat said.

According to him, as the UN Secretary-General emphasized in his report, it takes political will to comply with the rules and apply best practices, as well as to prosecute perpetrators and ensure redress for victims.

"The role of humanitarian organizations is indispensable. It is vital that their involvement in conflicts and post-conflict situations be purely humanitarian, not used for political purposes, and carried out under the principles of neutrality, impartiality and the consent of the affected country, with full respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unity of the state, per the Charter of the United Nations Nations," the diplomat said.