Barriers are created in the Neftchala section of the river to prevent Caspian water from mixing with the Kura

Society 16:48 01 Dec, 2022
Barriers are created in the Neftchala section of the river to prevent Caspian water from mixing with the Kura

Barriers are created in the Neftchala section of the river to prevent Caspian water from mixing with the Kura
In order to prevent sea water from mixing with the sphere, barriers are being created along with the damming works in the river delta in Neftchala.

According to the information of reports Aran office, for almost 15 days, dam strengthening works are being carried out in the delta of both branches of the Kura River, which flows through the territory of Mayak village of the region and joins the Caspian Sea.

In addition to the strengthening works, Kür is blocked with raft stones.

According to the residents, the dam in front of Kür will be strengthened to a certain height, then the water of the river will flow over the dam and pour into the Caspian Sea. With this, even though the water level in the river is low in the summer months, sea water will be prevented from mixing with the sphere.

At the moment, due to heavy rains in recent days, works in the Kurun delta have been suspended. Work will resume as soon as weather conditions allow.