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Britain's PM hopefuls promise to get tough on illegal migration

Politics 13:59 24 Jul, 2022

On Sunday both candidates set out their plans

Britain's PM hopefuls promise to get tough on illegal migration

Britain's two contenders to replace Boris Johnson as prime minister promised on Sunday to tackle illegal immigration as a priority, with both backing the government's policy of sending migrants to Rwanda, reports.

Former finance minister Rishi Sunak and foreign secretary Liz Truss are battling to become Britain's next prime minister after a revolt over Johnson's scandal-ridden administration forced the prime minister to say he would stand down.

The two candidates have so far clashed over the timing of any tax cuts at a time when Britain is facing rising inflation, stalling growth and an increasing number of strikes.

Sunak on Saturday described himself as "the underdog" after Truss topped opinion polls among the Conservative Party members who will appoint their next leader, and Britain's prime minister, with the result due on Sept. 5.

On Sunday both candidates set out their plans to press ahead with the government's policy of sending illegal migrants to Rwanda, though the first deportation flight was blocked last month by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).