Changes to the statute on financial responsibility of military personnel for damage caused to the state have been approved.

News 15:35 20 Dec, 2022
Changes to the statute on financial responsibility of military personnel for damage caused to the state have been approved.

Changes to the statute on financial responsibility of military personnel for damage caused to the state have been approved.

According to reports, in this regard, President Ilham Aliyev approved the law on amending the "Regulation on the financial responsibility of military personnel for the damage caused to the state".

Thus, in the law "On Amendments to the Regulation on the Financial Liability of Military Servicemen for Damage to the State" it is provided that military servicemen and military officials called to muster shall be held financially liable for the entire amount of unpaid damage caused to the state as a result of an administrative error against military service. is held.

The limits of financial liability for damage caused as a result of criminal and other actions that do not lead to administrative liability have been increased from two months of monetary security for conscripts and cadets to three months, and for other military personnel from a monthly monetary security to two months.

In addition, a number of improvements are being made.