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China delays bid by U.S and India to sanction Pakistan militant at U.N.

Politics 09:15 11 Aug, 2022

Abdul Rauf Azhar to be subjected to a global travel ban and asset freeze

China delays bid by U.S and India to sanction Pakistan militant at U.N.

China delayed on Wednesday a proposal by the United States and India to sanction at the U.N. Security Council a top commander in the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) militant group, reports according to Reuters.

India and the United States wanted Abdul Rauf Azhar to be subjected to a global travel ban and asset freeze. Such a move has to be agreed by all 15 members of a Security Council sanctions committee.

"We placed a hold because we need more time to study the case. Placing holds is provided for by the Committee guidelines, and there have been quite a number of similar holds by Committee members on listing requests," a spokesperson for China's mission to the United Nations told.