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Cooperation with the Swiss Agency was discussed

News 15:44 21 Oct, 2022
Cooperation with the Swiss Agency was discussed


Head of the State Migration Service (SDC) Vusal Huseynov, Deputy Director of the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency (SDC), also met with the Deputy Director of the Swiss Confederation Alberto Hernandez, Head of the International Migration Organization (IFC) in Azerbaijan Vladimir Gjorgjiev and other representatives.

According to the DMX, the head of the service was noted at the meeting and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Switzerland and expressed hope that our countries will continue to develop close cooperation in various directions, including migration. report

Speaking about the activities of the two countries in the field of migration, Vusal Huseynov, the creation of a regional training center in Azerbaijan in the region and the capacity of the people working in Azerbaijan in neighboring countries, as well as in Central Asia, Middle East and other partner countries. He also stressed the advanced initiative aimed at strengthening.

Thanking for the warm meeting, Alberto Hernandez praised the cooperation between the two countries in the field of migration, and further expressed confidence that relations will continue.

The sides exchanged views on the perspectives of future cooperation between the parties and other issues of mutual interest in the field of migration.