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Deputy: "Azerbaijan's biggest problem with the Internet is monopoly"

News 14:48 10 Nov, 2022
Deputy: "Azerbaijan's biggest problem with the Internet is monopoly"

Deputy: "Azerbaijan's biggest problem with the Internet is monopoly"
Azerbaijan's biggest problem with the Internet is monopoly. reports that MP Elnur Allahverdiyev said this at today's meeting of the Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship Committee of the Milli Majlis.

According to him, the reason why the 5th generation wireless mobile technology (5G) and other new technologies are not used is that some people bought frequencies en masse and monopolized them: "Those people don't allow the state or new companies that know how to do this work from it. let him use it."

The deputy said that this problem also exists in cable televisions: "Sometimes there are delays in cable televisions as well."