How to Get Enough Iron

Multimedia 21:36 25 Mar, 2022

Healthy food tips

How to Get Enough Iron presents foods that can help you maximize your dietary iron intake:

  • Eat lean red meat: This is the best source of easily absorbed heme iron. Eating it several times per week can help if you are deficient.
  • Eat chicken and fish: These are also good sources of heme iron. Eat a variety of them.
  • Consume vitamin C-rich foods: Eat vitamin C-rich foods during meals to increase the absorption of non-heme iron. For example, some lemon juicedrizzled over leafy greens will increase the amount you absorb.
  • Avoid coffee, tea or milk near meals:Avoid these during meals that contain iron-rich foods. Have your coffee or tea between meals instead.
  • Choose foods rich in non-heme iron: If you don’t eat meat and fish, include plenty of iron-rich plant foods in your diet.