Ilham Aliyev highly appreciated the competitions held across the country in recent years

News 14:38 09 Jan, 2023
Ilham Aliyev highly appreciated the competitions held across the country in recent years

"Over the past few years, there have been various competitions across the country, which I appreciate very much." reports according to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. President of the National Olympic Committee Ilham Aliyev said these words on January 9 at the ceremony dedicated to the sports results of 2022.

"One of the tasks set before the youth and the minister of sports was to revive sports in the regions and hold many competitions. This policy will determine our sports success, and at the same time, young people, teenagers, and children will be attracted to sports from a young, childhood age, and this will be their upbringing. is very important for sports. Because sport is both physical strength, and every person who feels physical strength is usually mentally healthy as well. The successes and example of our outstanding athletes should be an example for all young athletes. Because our athletes are in life, in society, in everyday life. they also behave with dignity and confirm their achievements in sports arenas with their actions in everyday life. Thus, young people and children have an even greater desire to play sports and imitate outstanding athletes. Of course, state support for sports - this is also of special importance. We do this We have seen in the example of Azerbaijan that where there is attention to sports and athletes, where there is care, where there is respect, of course there will be results.

Sport is an important part of the social life of every country. In some countries, this is considered a priority, like in Azerbaijan. In some countries it does not count. But I think we are on the right track. Because both the glory of our country and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle - these factors should be important for every country," the head of state said.