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Macron speaks nonsense: Azerbaijani MP

News 12:50 14 Oct, 2022
Macron speaks nonsense: Azerbaijani MP

"Macron speaks nonsense, a week ago, he was behaving as Mullah in Prague. After the Prague meeting, he supports Armenia in his interview with "France2"", said Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Regional Affairs Siyavush Novruzov at today's meeting of Milli Majlis, reports according to apa

The MP noted that we must send statements to the French Senate starting today: "It seems here that there are interests for all states. At that time, the great leader Heydar Aliyev very correctly noted that France cannot be a co-chairing country because it is a supporter of Armenia. If it is needed, all diplomatic ties must be cut with France. Azerbaijan has exhibited the very right position at the UN. Today, those who eat Armenian bread, want to drag Azerbaijan to another place. I remember that when Azerbaijan's territorial integrity issue was put in discussion at the UN, only 14 countries voted this".