Multimedia How did natural gas tariffs change in Azerbaijan?
Tariffs for the population within the consumption limits of 1,200 to 2,500 cubic meters and over
At today's meeting, the Tariff Council adopted relevant decisions on the regulation of wholesale and retail tariffs for natural gas. informs that, according to the decision, in the population category, tariffs increased by AZN 0.02 for annual consumption of up to 1,200 cubic meters (1,200 cubic meters included) and AZN 0.12 for one cubic meter.
Tariffs for the population within the consumption limits of 1,200 to 2,500 cubic meters and over 2,500 cubic meters remained unchanged at AZN 0.20 and AZN 0.25, respectively. Gas tariffs for industry and agriculture in the non-population category are increased from AZN 0.20 to AZN 0.22.
The tariff for gas sold by Azeristiliktejizat OJSC to yard boiler houses and CNG filling stations increases from AZN 0.13 to 0.171. Tariffs for gas supplied to other consumers remain at the same level of AZN 0.25 per 1,000 cubic meters and for gas used as crude in the production of methanol and urea products at AZN 0.20.
The tariff for gas sold by Azerkontrakt OJSC to Azerenerji OJSC for energy generation is increased from AZN 0.13 to AZN 0.171. The tariff for gas purchased from the Azneft PA increases from AZN 0.75 to AZN 0.9.
Moreover, the tariff for gas sold by Azerkontrakt OJSC to Azneft PU and Nakhchivangaz PU increases from AZN 0.11 to AZN 0.118.
The manufacturer buys natural gas at a negotiated price for the production of electricity supplied to data centers that carry out activities for processing, recording, and transmitting data, which receive power directly through the 35 and 110 kV lines, where the daily demand for loads is stable, and the average monthly energy consumption for production targets is at least 5 million kWh.