Nigeria church crush leaves 31 dead

Society 11:15 30 May, 2022

Nigerian police say they have launched an investigation after 31 people died in a crush in the southern city of Port Harcourt

Nigeria church crush leaves 31 dead

It happened in a sports field on Saturday morning where a church was handing out food to the poor, some of whom had waited there overnight, reports.

The crowd "became tumultuous and uncontrollable" and organisers failed to calm the situation, police say.

Many of those who died in the crush were women and children.

Witnesses told the AFP news agency there was frantic pushing and some were trampled underfoot when people trying to reach the entrance were forced back.

"They were telling people 'Go back, go back, go back,'" Chisom Nwachukwu said. "Some people that were pushing from backwards were marching on those people."

Security and emergency services were called to the scene to try to bring the situation under control. Some of the injured are being treated at Port Harcourt's military hospital.