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Over 40 detained in anti-FETÖ ops in eight provinces

Politics 14:18 23 Jul, 2022

The terror organization’s new online meeting schemes were revealed

Over 40 detained in anti-FETÖ ops in eight provinces

Within the scope of the investigation initiated by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, some 42 suspects were detained at simultaneous operations carried out in 8 provinces against FETÖ, informs.

The office issued detention warrants for some 60 suspects who were found to have used Bylock and deposited money in Bank Asya with the order of the terror organization.

“While 42 people were caught, efforts to catch the other suspects continue,” a security official said.

The operations were held in Istanbul, the capital Ankara, the northern provinces of Düzce and Samsun, the southeastern provinces of Şanlurfa, the northwestern provinces of Sakarya, Kocaeli and the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri.

The recent operations were held due to another operation held in January in Ankara. The security units found out that FETÖ was trying to regroup and restructure within the country.

The terror organization’s new online meeting schemes were revealed.

The Ankara investigation showed that some FETÖ members established new companies in the U.S. and Ireland in order to finance the organization.