Ryanair's net loss declines to €48 million in H1

Headlines 16:04 01 Nov, 2021

Airliner's net loss annually declined from €411 million to just €48 million

Ryanair's net loss declines to €48 million in H1

Ryanair DAC published its earnings results on Monday, revealing that the airliner's net loss annually declined from €411 million to just €48 million in the first half of fiscal 2022. In the same period, air traffic recovered 128% to 39.1 million flights, resulting in an 83% increase in revenue which jumped to €2.15 billion, Qazet.az reports citing Teletrader.

"The outlook for pricing and yields for the winter of FY22 will be challenging. With the booking curve remaining very close-in, traffic recovery will require continuing price stimulation. This, coupled with rising costs for the small unhedged balance of our fuel needs, means that visibility for the remainder of FY22 is very limited," CEO Michael O'Leary noted.