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SCO must prevent further deterioration of international ties

Politics 13:32 29 Jul, 2022

the organization should not and cannot remain indifferent

SCO must prevent further deterioration of international ties

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization should use its potential in practice so as to prevent the further degradation of international relations and curb the spread of Cold War logic worldwide, the organization’s Deputy Secretary General Grigory Logvinov said on Friday, reports.

Speaking at the opening of a forum of SCO countries’ media and analytical centers held in China’s Qingdao, he noted that "the world has entered a period of historical, tectonic changes, accompanied by unprecedented shocks which involve all spheres of international life, which no single country or union are capable of avoiding," adding that the SCO concept initially never involved any confrontational elements.

That said, according to him, the organization should not and cannot remain indifferent while an equitable constructive dialogue between various countries is consistently folding being increasingly replaced by strong-arm diktat and sanctions pressure. According to the official, nowadays, the global economy is being destroyed not simply by a wave of unprecedented illegitimate sanctions but by a full-fledged economic war. "A completely unthinkable element has emerged in the form of attempts to erase the entire country from global history, culture, science and sports," he said.

"The ongoing events objectively demand rethinking the SCO’s actions internationally, proceeding from the fact that the organization’s historical political mission was clearly outlined in the 2020 Moscow declaration. The SCO is one of the pillars of a more representative and fair world order being formed based on the supremacy of international law, above all, the UN Charter, the respect for civilizational diversity and peoples’ independent choice of their political and socio-economic development, as well as the equitable partnership of states in the interests of ensuring equal, joint, indivisible, comprehensive and stable security. It is clear that the time has come to begin implementing this political directive in practice and use the organization’s potential in order to prevent the further deterioration of international ties and the Cold War mentality and logic from completely prevailing worldwide," Logvinov stressed.