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The opening ceremony of the Azerbaijan Boxing Championship was held

News 14:36 18 Oct, 2022
The opening ceremony of the Azerbaijan Boxing Championship was held

The opening ceremony of the Azerbaijan Boxing Championship was held. reports according to Report, the event organized at the Boxing Center was attended by Vusal Nasirli, vice president of the Azerbaijan Boxing Federation, coaches of the participating teams, judges, athletes and other officials.

First, the teams were invited to the arena. Later, the children of the martyrs of the Patriotic War entered the ring together with the well-known boxers of Azerbaijan.

After the National Anthem was played, gifts were given to the children of the martyrs and a commemorative photo was taken with them.

After that, the souls of the martyrs were remembered with a minute of silence.

Vusal Nasirli said that special attention is paid to boxing, as in all sports in the country. The official of the Federation reminded that Azerbaijan hosts a number of prestigious competitions:

"This championship will be different from the previous ones. This time more teams and boxers have participated in the competition. I hope that our national team will win the first Olympic gold for our country in Paris-2024. May the strong win. May God have mercy on our martyrs and give good health to our veterans."

Finally, the swearing-in ceremony of the judges took place and the Azerbaijan championship was declared open.

It should be noted that 146 boxers from 38 teams representing clubs from various cities and regions of the republic, as well as sports societies, participated in the championship.

The winners of the competition, which started today, will be announced on October 25. The winners will be included in the national team and will represent the country in international competitions.

The chief judge of the tournament will be Emil Gurbanaliyev. In addition to local referees, the fights will be managed by foreign judges, Yashar Chinar from Turkey, Rajab Itmez, Aleksandr Hamidov and Kahraman Kazimov from Uzbekistan, who have the 3-star category of IBA, as well as the experience of the World Championship and Summer Olympic Games.