The project on the purchase of additional gas volumes for construction facilities was accepted in the first reading

Society 14:14 02 Dec, 2022
The project on the purchase of additional gas volumes for construction facilities was accepted in the first reading

The project on the purchase of additional gas volumes for construction facilities was accepted in the first reading

According to reports, the draft amendment to the law "On Gas Supply" was discussed in the 1st reading at today's session of the parliament.

According to the amendment, the procedure for connecting construction objects to the gas distribution network or receiving additional gas volume is determined. So, it will be determined by the institution determined by the relevant executive authority.

Also, for the physical connection of construction objects to the gas distribution network in areas where spatial planning documents have not been approved, the users of the gas installation will be charged for the connection service to the gas distributor in the amount determined by the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority.