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Turkish diplomat: "The organization of competitions in Sugovushan shows Azerbaijan's progress not only on the battlefield, but also in sports."

News 13:52 21 Oct, 2022
Turkish diplomat: "The organization of competitions in Sugovushan shows Azerbaijan's progress not only on the battlefield, but also in sports."

"After the victory of Karabagh, the organization of the international competition in Sugovushan for the second time is important from the point of view of showing the progress of Azerbaijan not only in the field of war and economy, but also in the field of sports."

Consul General of Turkey in Ganja, Zaki Öztürk, who participated in the opening ceremony of "Mingachevir Regatta" in Sugovushan, said these words to report

The Consul General said that he was in Sugovushan two weeks ago: "At that time, there was a model of the tribunes here. Now I see that everything is international for the competition. I congratulate the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Azerbaijan Canoe and Rowing Federation for preparing this place for the competition at an excellent level in a short period of time."

Wishing success to the participants of the competition, the diplomat said that he wants strong athletes to win: "Our country also participates in this tournament. As in every field, we support Azerbaijan here as well. Let the strong athletes win, but we want the representatives of Azerbaijan and Turkey to win more medals. We expect such tournaments to be held in Sugovushan in the coming years as well."