Ukrainian intelligence: "Russia's missile strikes are connected with failure on the front"

News 15:44 13 Oct, 2022
Ukrainian intelligence: "Russia's missile strikes are connected with failure on the front"

Ukrainian intelligence: Russian missile strikes linked to failure on the front
"Russia's missile attack on Ukraine is related to failure on the front". reports with reference to UNIAN that this was said by the spokesman of the General Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Andrey Yusov.

According to him, the terrorist acts committed by Russia are intended to scare the population: "However, this has the opposite effect. In my opinion, Russia's attacks cannot be sustained. There are two main reasons for this. First, intensive missile strikes cost Russia at least $700 million a day. Secondly, the reserves of "Kalibr" and "Iskander" are running out. Due to the sanctions, it is difficult to produce new ones."

A. Yusov said that the strikes may continue: "Therefore, air attack signals should not be ignored."

It should be noted that since October 10, Russia has subjected Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and other provinces to regular missile attacks.